Curating Safe Creative Spaces with Allie Glenn allie glenn business coach capo vintage eco friendly entrepreneur entrepreneurship justin minott sustainability sustainable fashion thrifting Oct 11, 2022

Thanks for joining this week’s conversation with myself and guest Allie Glenn, the creator of Capo Vintage. 


What was your path like getting here to where you are today?


I grew up in the church, singing in the choir, dancing in the dance ministry, etc. Art was a major...

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Securing Successful Business Practices with Anne-Claire Broughton anne-claire broughton business succession employee ownership entrepreneurship eot esop justin minott nceoc open book management worker co-op Aug 19, 2022

Check out this week's conversation with the founder of the North Carolina Employee Ownership Center and the principal consultant of Broughton Consulting, Anne-Claire Broughton. She has been head of the business community in Durham for over 20 years.


Q. How did you end up in the world of...

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Maximizing Success Through Storytelling with Deryle Daniels deryle daniels jr. dollars & stories entrepreneurship justin minott marketing nonprofits storytelling Jul 08, 2022

Join my upcoming conversation with storyteller, Deryle Daniels, Jr. who is also the principal consultant at Dollars & Stories, and Director of Narrative Change at Forward Cities one of the organizations at Provident1898.


Q. Your stories Storytelling for...

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What Does Entrepreneurship Have to do with Juneteenth? entrepreneurship juneteenth justin minott Jun 24, 2022
As I write this on the heels of Juneteenth, a holiday dedicated to commemorating emancipation for Black people, I'm grateful for the strides we have made and reminded about how far we have left to go in this ongoing quest for true liberation. A signed piece of paper marked a new beginning, not...
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Creating Equitable Pathways to Access the Tech Industry with Kevin Robinson cloud security entrepreneurship justin minott kevin robinson rtriad Jun 17, 2022

Kevin is a president and chief technology officer of RTriad Enterprises who is doing some beautiful work around equity and tech. You’re in for a treat today!


Q. Give us the backstory of how you got into tech.


I went to engineering school at Boston University in 1978, but left...

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How to Enjoy The Process of Entrepreneurship with Tia Dorsett black authors entrepreneurship justin minott tia dorsett trust your dopeness Jun 10, 2022


Welcome to my conversation with Tia Dorsett. Tia is an entrepreneur, author of “Trust Your Dopeness”, and an overall beautiful human. Here's her story!


Q. Give us some of the backstory to how you got where you are today.


I have been working with middle school...

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How to Get Connected and Stay Connected with SKANZ (An interview with Madeline Lockhart) app development entrepreneurship justin minott madeline lockhart networking skanz tech startup May 27, 2022

Madeline Lockhart is a master connector who has built technology around her ability to connect. Check out her interview below to see how she got started!


Q. What was your journey toward becoming a tech CEO like? 


I grew up in Los Alamos, New Mexico, which is the birthplace of...

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Demystifying Crypto and Blockchain with Ashley Wright ashley wright blockchain cryptocurrency entrepreneurship metaverse Apr 20, 2022

Join me in this week's conversation with my friend Ashley Wright, an entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and marketing strategist.


Q. How did you get into the crypto space?


I got started in cryptocurrency back in 2016. I heard about it from my parents who are entrepreneurs and back...

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